Вечером вдруг нашло вдохновение, и я решила, что созрела для двух рисунков, которые давно были у меня в голове.
Первый. (Описание изначально писалось на английском)
I always thought about clowns like the most dramatic creatures of circus. Well, not always, of course, but since I began to perfom myself.
A person who goes out on the stage and make other people laugh, a person who brings delight, happiness and joy. Yes, it is his job, but... What if he has a bad mood? If he is sad? If something bad has happened? If he is hopelessly in love and can't even think about anything else? ...He have to go on the arena, or on the stage and make his job, because he is a professional.
Ah, in fact I don't know, I never talked about it with clowns, but this thought really makes me sad sometimes.
And this painting wasn't supposed to be so... flowed. Like this clown didn't want to be drawn at all and he made the watercolor go where he wants, not me.
Перевод, с некоторыми добавлениями, о которых не стала писать на английском)
Дело в том, что я сейчас пытаюсь сделать номер под Show must go on. И в идеале этот элемент ложится аккурат на слова "My soul is painted like the wings of butterfly" . Всегда представляю себе этот момент именно так
День всё-таки не прошел зря
| среда, 28 марта 2012